Bondi: O.J. Simpson not welcome in Florida

OJ Simpson is not welcome in Florida, according to the state attorney general, Pam Bondi. 

Bondi's office says she sent a letter to the Florida Department of Corrections, objecting to O.J. Simpson's wish to relocate to Florida upon his release from prison. 

The letter requests that the FDC immediately notify all appropriate authorities of Nevada that Florida objects to granting Simpson permission to relocate to Florida to serve his parole sentence.

The request is now in the hands of Department of Corrections Secretary Julie L. Jones. 

In the letter, Attorney General Bondi says, “Floridians are well aware of Mr. Simpson’s background, his wanton disregard for the lives of others, and of his scofflaw attitude with respect to the heinous acts for which he has been found civilly liable. The specter of his residing in comfort in Florida should not be an option. Numerous law enforcement officials in Florida agree with this position. Our state should not become a country club for this convicted criminal.”

To read the letter, click here.