Bradenton Beach, Cortez community members sue FDOT over proposed $83-million bridge

There's no question that the Cortez Bridge needs to be replaced. At 65 years old, the 17-foot drawbridge has seen a lot of ups and downs. 

The Florida Department of Transportation's answer is a 65-foot fixed-span bridge, which is causing a community uproar. 

"You have to ask what’s the right decision for the community," stated Joe McClash, one of four community members that filed a federal lawsuit against FDOT. 

They're concerned the 65-foot bridge could destroy the character and community of the last working fishing village in the state. Construction on the $83-million bridge is expected to happen in 2026. 

"The decision that DOT chose is one that actually divides the community of Cortez, a very historical community," McClash explained. 

Last week the Bradenton Beach Commission unanimously voted to join the lawsuit. 

"The city of Bradenton Beach is the most impacted city, so by joining this, it sends a message as well to the courts and DOT that this is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly," said McClash. 

PREVIOUS: New bridge threatens fishing village way of life

McClash and others prefer a 35-foot drawbridge. It would fit in the same location, wouldn't restrict boat height, and wouldn't wall off a section of Cortez that's home to restaurants and businesses like the Seafood Shack Marina Bar and Grill 

"If it’s a fixed span, the landing area will be three or four blocks east of us which will make it tougher to get into the restaurant and marina," said Joe Rogers, the general manager of the Seafood Shack.

FDOT said the 65-foot bridge would speed up travel time by 40 seconds to Bradenton Beach. 

"If you have three or four lanes of traffic going straight out. It's not like the island is getting any bigger. It actually helps by stopping it and opening up traffic on the other side," he said. 

Rogers hopes FDOT will listen and work with the community. 

"We just want to be heard. Just to listen to us, to hear our thoughts on it," he added. 


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