Brandon man to donate 100th gallon of blood
BRANDON (FOX 13) - David Korte has been sharing his "Gift of Life" by donating blood and platelets for many years. This year, on the day after Christmas, he will achieve his 100 Gallon Donor Milestone and provide a priceless holiday gift to a patient whose life depends on it.
David started donating whole blood in 1990 in honor of his grandmother who was fighting breast cancer in another state. Blood donors there were helping her, so he would help others here in Tampa Bay.
In 1993, due to his commitment, good veins and B-positive blood type he was asked to become a platelet donor and give blood in that special way. He then began to donate platelets as often as every two weeks, 24 times a year.
David feels it is a shame that most people never donate blood at all, so he keeps giving knowing of the need.
He will earn this donor milestone and hundreds of patients and their families are grateful for the second chances he has given them.
Generally healthy people age 16 or older who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate blood. All donors receive a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening, plus a surprise gift.
To learn more about the importance of blood donation and how donors can target the power of their blood type visit or call 1.888.9DONATE (1.888.936.6283).