County aims to prevent East Tampa breeders from owning animals
TAMPA, Fla. - For the first time, the public got to put a face to the name. Alice Holt, her grandson, and three workers at Trish's All-Breed Grooming made their first appearance in Hillsborough County Court Wednesday morning, one month after more than 350 dogs were confiscated from her property.
"The purpose of this hearing was to enjoin anyone that was involved in this case or anything to do with the animals - the care, custody of the animals, anything to do with ownership, anything like that - we're seeking enjoinment," said Roger Mills, the Hillsborough County's director of Animal Control.
"Enjoinment" would prohibit the defendants from owning, possessing, keeping, harboring or having custody or control over animals. But it's not the first time Holt has been in trouble.
In 2011, the county banned her from owning dogs, but a loophole allowed her to control the business, located on her property.
"The last one had some type of clause that allowed her to manage," Mills said. "This one does not."
As of today, the property is operating solely as a grooming facility, run by Al Travan. Mills says the arrangement is legal, for now.
"He is one of the employees who was working there at the time, and he is operating a grooming facility. And yes it is. Although we've listed him on the enjoinment," Mills said. "We're seeking enjoinment of him right now."
Because several dogs were pregnant when they were confiscated, the number has grown to nearly 400 in county care.
Mills is hoping justice prevails for each and every one of them.
"My objective is to make sure the animals are cared for," he said. "All we can try to do is our best. Write the best affidavit we can write. Collect the best evidence we can, and let the courts play out. That's the best we can do."
The judge set the next court date for Nov. 20 at 9 a.m.