Faith in Action: Faithful Heart Ministries

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A newly formed non-profit is working to offer shelter to battered women in the Bay area. Faithful Heart Ministries will officially open up in late August at an undisclosed location.

The faith-based shelter will link clients with the resources they need to start over. The four-bedroom facility will host abused women for up to 90 days as a temporary home to heal.

"They will receive counseling at that time, nutritional counseling too if they need it. We have resources for those with substance abuse who have had past issues with that," founder Kristine Kocsis said.

Faithful Heart Ministries will also have a house therapy dog, Abbie, to cheer clients up.

The shelter is still in need of some household items and monetary donations. They're hosting a launching event August 20th from 4-8pm at the Verizon Event Center (8718 Trouble Creek Road in New Port Richey) To learn more, visit