Holiday help arrives for families devastated by fire

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Nobody was more ready for Christmas than Alexy Diaz and his family.

The tree was up and the new furniture had just been delivered but just before Christmas tragically it all went up in smoke.

"Losing everything you worked hard for its hard," said Alexy. 

An electrical fire at the apartment complex on Sligh Avenue left several families with nothing.

Alexy, his wife Yoana, and his stepson Julian were out on the street.

"It's been a tough time for us," said Yoana.

But as quickly as they lost everything, they began to replace it with the help of family, friends, and co-workers.

"All my co-workers helped me a lot for gifts for me and my son they don't even do the gift exchange for them all they do is or us," said Yoana.

Even perfect strangers came to help. The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Tampa Bay rolled in with hundreds of dollars in gift cards for some of the fire victims.

That was followed by thank you hugs all the way around. Club President Marcus Wilson says there is a greater message here.

"We should reach out and help each other and let people know someone is there to help you in your time of need," said Wilson.

Alexy's buddy, Alain Juvrt started a GoFundMe page to help him get back on his feet and into a new home.

"He never thought he would be able to buy a home and this is what he's doing now," explained Juvrt.

But for now, Alexy is staying in this room that he shares with a relative and his wife and stepson are staying at another home.

Being apart isn't easy and when you're 10, life without your Playstation 4, is tough.

"My friends are like, 'What's happening? He hasn't been online since two weeks ago," said Julian.

But hitting rock bottom in 2017 can only mean one thing in 2018.

"We're going to be in a home and I'm going to put lights up and the Christmas tree will be back up I promise you," said Alexy.