Holiday hoverboard gifts leading to hospital visits
TAMPA (FOX 13) - It's the gift kids were gushing over this holiday, but days after hoverboards across the country were unwrapped under the tree, parents are getting unintended post-Christmas trips to the emergency room.
Lakeland ER physician Dr. Doug Shankman saw seven injuries in the weekend after Christmas.
"Mostly wrist fractures. I had a younger girl with a shoulder fracture. Mostly upper extremities because they're trying to land themselves and catch themselves," Dr. Shankman said Tuesday.
YouTube videos show the dramatic wipeouts from kids and adults. Tuesday, former pro-boxer Mike Tyson posted his own 'whoops' moment to social media.
While it certainly makes for good entertainment, docs say this is no laughing matter.
"We see the fractures here and there from bicycles and skateboards, from kids just being kids. But knowing that all these hoverboards came out on Christmas, and my first 12 hours on call, three injuries right away, three surgeries on Saturday, it certainly appears to be more prevalent at this point in time," Dr. Shankman said.
Glitek hoverboard manufacturer Tony Le says getting off the board is the biggest problem.
"The right way to get off is you step back with your dominate foot. And then step right off with the other. Most people, their inclination is to step forward," he said.
Le insists, with the right training and protective gear, the gadgets can be enjoyed safely. But Dr. Shankman say there's only one sure way to prevent an injury.
"Don't buy them. If you have one, eBay, Craig's List, get rid of them," he said.
Hoverboard manufacturers recommend wearing a helmet when riding one and making sure the board is calibrated before ever stepping on.