Hundreds of dogs rescued from Tampa breeder are ready for adoption -- but the process will be different

TAMPA, Fla. - Most of the dogs seized from a breeder in Tampa will be up for adoption, and those who are interested will need to commit to a weeklong process.
In September, about 350 dogs were seized from an illegal puppy mill. About 250 of the puppies and dogs will be up for adoption, but at a higher-than-normal price. On Wednesday, Hillsborough County commissioners approved a special pricing structure to discourage the chances of the dogs being adopted and resold for a profit, officials said.
Most of them are small breeds and are expected to be in high demand. The cost of the puppies under 6 months old will be $450, and the older dogs that were seized will be worth $300. Hillsborough County residents will receive a $50 discount.
Normally, dogs are adopted from the Pet Resource Center for about $120.
“If you’re getting to that $500 [mark] and you were thinking of selling it for $600 or $800, we’ve cut into your profits,” explained Scott Trebatoski, director of the Pet Rescoure Center. “Then, we decided to add another layer and say you can’t sell this dog for three years because we don’t want you flipping this dog. We’re trying to find some stability for these animals.”
PREVIOUS: 300 dogs seized from 'filth' in East Tampa breeding facility
Those who are interested must participate in a three-step process.
The adoption process begins Sunday, November 10. If interested, you will need to go to the All People’s Life Center, located at 6105 East Sligh Avenue in Tampa between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to fill out an application. Anyone in line at 5 p.m. can still complete an application. You will need to bring a current ID.
With this procedure, it doesn’t matter if you’re first in line or last in line, every will have an equal chance. Only one applicant is allowed per household, and will be screened to ensure they are not on the Animal Abuser Registry or Hillsborough County’s enjoined list, which prohibits them from owning pets and lists who has any current pet citations.
County officials said applicants will be provided information on possible social or medical issues associated with rescue dogs.
Sometime next week, applicants will be selected through a random drawing. “Winners” will be notified via email.
The actual adoption day for the winning applicants will take place Sunday, November 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Applicants will be given an estimated time of arrival to select their dog and pay for it at All People’s Life Center. Small groups will be allowed at a time.
The person choosing the dog must be the same person who applied for the dog. County officials said they will be checking IDs.
All dogs will be microchipped, vaccinated, registered, and spayed or neutered.
As for the rest of the seized dogs that will not be part of the strict adoption process, those with serious medical needs, nursing mothers, and very young puppies will be given to local animal rescue groups at no extra charge.
For more information, head over to the Pet Resource Center’s website.