Manatee County COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Florida’s vaccine eligibility expands to include all adults
Monday marked the biggest expansion in Florida’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility. All adults are now able to get in line for the shot, along with teens ages 16 and up if they are getting the Pfizer vaccine. That adds millions more Floridians into the mix.
After several different phases of COVID-19 vaccine rollout, all adults in Manatee County are now eligible for the vaccine.
Floridians have any different vaccine options available to them, from federal sites to county- and state-run locations, and many commercial providers. Some locations don’t even require an appointment anymore.
Latest vaccine distribution:
Anyone ages 18 and over can enroll in Manatee County’s new online registration system by going to or by calling Manatee County’s call center at 311.
Manatee County COVID-19 vaccine appointment notifications will come from a number familiar to those already in the County’s standby pool: (941) 742-4300. (Those who enroll for text notifications will receive updates from 88911.) Anyone enrolling in the county’s standby pool should program that number in their phones, so the call does not appear as spam.
It is important to reply to the call or text as quickly as possible since appointments will go to those who respond promptly. After you select one of the options, you will receive a follow-up message via phone, text and/or email confirming your appointment date, time and location.
How to join the standby pool:
Manatee County has set up a vaccination standby pool so seniors and others eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine can be notified when their first dose is ready to be administered.
You can register for the waiting list by visiting or book an appointment by calling 311 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Regardless of how you sign up, there is no deadline to join the pool.
Manatee County will not collect financial information, Social Security numbers or other sensitive personal information. The vaccines being administered by the Department of Health are free to the public.
Over time, the list of names in the standby pool will grow. Whenever a new shipment of vaccines arrives, the same number of names will be pulled through randomized selection. 311 reps will use those names to call pre-registered seniors and help them book an appointment.
A similar vaccination standby pool is available for for patient-facing healthcare workers only at
What you need to take to your appointment:
On the day of the appointment, seniors will take to their appointment the following:
- An email receipt or unique number they receive from the 311 Call Center
- A Department of Health consent form available at (311 callers can assist with the form for those without internet access)
- A valid ID
- Proof of Florida residency: A valid Florida driver's license, a utility bill in the resident's name with a Florida address, or a part-time rental agreement
The vaccine distribution site -- Tom Bennett Park, 280 Kay Road, Bradenton -- is drive-thru only. Please follow prompts on-site and do not exit your vehicle unless asked to do so by staff.
Vaccines will not be distributed to anyone without an appointment.
Statewide preregistration system
The state of Florida is offering a statewide registration system to help schedule COVID-19 vaccines. Residents can pre-register for vaccine appointments and be notified when appointments are available in their area by:
- Internet: Visiting
- Phone: Call your local county number listed on this page.
Private retailers offering vaccines in Florida:
These businesses are offering COVID-19 vaccines at some of their locations in Florida. They generally follow the guidelines laid out by Gov. DeSantis, but you need to register separately for an appointment with the retailer directly, separate from any state or county registration. Click on a link below for more information.
Federal vaccine sites:
Federal vaccine sites in Tampa, Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville are open until at least May 26 as part of a partnership with FEMA, the Department of Defense, and state health offices. Click here for specific locations.
According to the governor’s office, each site administers up to 2,000 vaccines per day, seven days a week. Each allocation will also support two smaller, mobile satellite sites that will each deliver 500 vaccinations per day in underserved areas. They use the existing registration system.
The FEMA sites follow President Joe Biden's guidelines, meaning teachers, school staff, and daycare workers of all ages are eligible.
LINK: COVID-19 vaccine distribution information in Tampa Bay area counties
Winn-Dixie readies initial vaccine rollout in Florida stores
Winn-Dixie and a few other grocery store chains officially joined the fight against COVID-19 Thursday, administering their first vaccinations.
Nearly 600 Publix pharmacies in Florida to offer COVID-19 vaccine appointments
Publix pharmacies across the state of Florida are opening appointments to administer COVID-19 vaccines.
Walmart, Sam’s Club pharmacies in Florida to administer COVID-19 vaccines
Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies announced they will begin administering COVID-19 vaccines in Florida, including 17 locations in the Bay Area.
COVID-19 Vaccines in Florida:
On December 23, Governor Ron DeSantis announced Executive Order 20-315, which states: During this first phase of vaccine administration, all providers administering any COVID-19 vaccine shall only vaccinate the following populations:
- Long-term care facility residents and staff;
- persons 65 years of age and older;
- and health care personnel with direct patient contact.
Hospitals, however, also may vaccinate persons who they deem to be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.
Governor DeSantis also announced that in addition to hospitals, county health departments will begin vaccinating individuals 65 and older in the coming weeks as supply permits. Each county health department will work directly with their community partners to notify the community when vaccine doses are available and will provide information about what will be needed to register for vaccination.
Florida has launched a COVID-19 Vaccine Report that will be updated daily at This report includes a breakdown of who has received the vaccine by age, race, sex and county.
If you feel sick:
The Florida Department of Health has opened a COVID-19 Call Center at 1-866-779-6121. Agents will answer questions around the clock. Questions may also be emailed to Email responses will be sent during call center hours.
LINK: Florida's COVID-19 website
CORONAVIRUS IN FLORIDA: What you need to know
Map of known COVID-19 cases:
MOBILE APP USERS: Click here for map