Ministry develops sustainable communities in Africa
TAMPA (FOX 13) - "We started One City Ministries almost 11 years ago," said Deb Gilbert, one of the founders of the ministry. "It was after the death of our son that God called us to do something a little bigger than ourselves."
Mike and Debbie Gilbert started One City to create a sustainable community prototype to empower the people of Uganda, while sharing the message of God’s love.
"We created and designed programs each one of them designed to go after the tentacles of poverty directly," said Mike.
OCM’s main focus is on a 23-acre compound currently being constructed called the Light Village. The self-sustaining model community will feature a church, school, and orphanage.
Food production will be bolstered through the Tilapia farm, and waste will create cleaner-burning alternative fuels.
Hydroponic produce is a significant component.
"It's been an amazing journey and a very dedicated people behind us," Mike said.
Eventually, Mike and Deb’s goal is to replicate the Light Village model in nations across Africa. The sustainable community plan, basic health principles, and commerce opportunities are a much-needed boon to the continent. For more information, visit