Noah McAdams' parents cooperating with court requirements: caseworker
TAMPA, Fla. - There was no hiding Taylor Bland’s heartbreak and disappointment in August when a judge ruled she and her husband, Joshua McAdams would not retain custody of their four-year-old son, Noah.
Hillsborough County Judge Thomas Palermo ruled they were neglectful and intentionally deprived their son of urgent care, saying "beyond any reasonable doubt, Ms. Bland Ball and Mr. McAdams' explanation in the courtroom lacked any credibility."
Little Noah would stay in the care of his maternal grandmother, however, three months later things are looking up.
Caseworker Dana Velez told the judge both parents are cooperating.
"At this time, the department is comfortable expanding the mother's visitation to unsupervised in the community," said Velez.
Judge Palermo was happy to hear it.
"It looks like the parents have worked really hard here and they are doing the things we have asked them to do to achieve success," said Palermo.
In April, Noah was diagnosed with cancer. After two chemo treatments, his parents skipped the third appointment and took Noah to Kentucky to try natural remedies.
Authorities tracked them down and removed Noah from their care. Temporary custody was given to Noah's maternal grandmother.
During a custody trial, Taylor admitted to removing her son's PICC line, which had been inserted by doctors for his chemotherapy treatments.
Later, a caseworker testified she witnessed Joshua McAdams being combative and confrontational towards her. It was revealed he even made a nurse at the hospital cry.
The new caseworker was asked if things were getting better.
"It's my understanding, his communication with hospital staff has improved since I had the case," explained Velez.
Judge Palermo is also allowing Noah to have overnight stays with his parents. The goal is to reunite the family in the future.
Noah's parents have another status hearing in March.