Plant City native provides familiar voice for Strawberry Festival attendees

The Strawberry Festival has a special meaning for Plant City native Randy Scott.

"I've been around the festival all my life," Scott explained.

He’s been the festival’s announcer for the past 16 years.

"It’s just a fulfilling thing,” Scott said. “It’s something I love to do every year about this time I look forward to it."

Scott grew up singing in the church and now uses his vocal skills to sing the National Anthem every morning at the festival.

"It makes you feel good,” he said. “To see the folks coming out enjoying the shows and just having a good time here at the Strawberry Festival."   

Scott said he is proud to volunteer at one of the best fairs in the state.

He added, “We have over 500 thousand people come through here every year. It’s a unique festival.”

Scott ends the night the way he starts his day- with a song.

"At night when it’s time to close I close with ‘Happy Trails’, a Roy Rogers tune," Scott said. "It’s just a lot of fun. I enjoy it."