Polk County grandpa giving away bracelets to help parents remember kids in back seat
LAKELAND, Fla. - To grandfather of five Scott Headley, the thought of leaving a child in a hot car is too much.
"I can't imagine perishing that way," said Headley. "And I can't imagine losing my child that way."
A few weeks ago, he saw yet another news story about a child dying in a hot car. After seeing a record 53 children died in 2018 and 46 have already died this year, Headley decided to fight back.
Now he's being called the Bracelet Papa thanks to his rubber bracelets, designed to remind parents their child is in the back seat.
The bracelets say "Stop, Look & Listen."
He says to keep the bracelet in the car seat. When you strap the kid in, put it on your wrist.
It's a physical reminder to prevent tired, rushed, frazzled parents from making a fatal mistake.
"Hopefully this will remind you, you have precious cargo on board," Headley said.
After Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd endorsed the bracelets, Headley realized it was a good thing he ordered 5,000.
"[They're going to] Forest Hills, New York, Chandler, Arizona, Tooele, Utah," he said. "I am hoping people take the program and run with it. It's not mine, it's all of ours. Can it work? Yes, if it's used."
The bracelets are free.
Headley said it's a cliche but it's true: Even if it saves one life, it'll have been more than worth it.
"Which one could be the one?" he asked. "It's something where we may never know."
Anyone who would like to request a bracelet is asked to email Scott.Headley@live.com or go to backseatawareness.org.