Residents demand investigation into series of dog deaths
PIKE COUNTY, Ga. - What's going on in Pike County? That’s what residents want to know after at least four dogs were shot and killed, and a handful of others are missing.
The Pike County Sheriff’s Office said this is an animal control issue, but the residents said in their small county, this case is much too big for animal control and they want the sheriff’s office to intervene.
“You can see the blood splatter going this way,” said Robbie Skinner as he goes back over the spot where his daughter's tea cup Chihuahua was shot and killed.
Katelyn and Nugget have been inseparable for the past seven years, but that all ended this week when someone shot and killed Nugget.
“She loved that dog and somebody killed that dog like that. It’s pointless,” said Skinner.
On Christmas Eve, just a few doors down from Nugget, Sassy was also shot and killed. Resident Rick Rickerson compared stories with Skinner.
“Sassy crawled from where she was shot 75 feet to the front porch where it looked like she clawed the door to get in,” said Rickerson.
And they said two more dogs were found just down the road.
“There’s a lot of people upset here. You have nobody to go to. We can report to animal control knowing they don’t have the resources to investigate this,” said Rickerson.
RELATED: $5K reward offered for Pike County dog killer
The Pike County Sheriff's office said animal control is handing the investigation, but it’s not just the dead dogs that have people concerned There’s also a handful of missing dogs, including Mei, who disappeared from the same street Nugget and Sassy were shot. And Seth Floyd’s dog, Scout, who lives less than three miles away.
“I don’t think anything is being done about it, just sweeping it under the rug,” said Skinner. “It’s kind of heartbreaking for your little girl to be upset about.”
And all the men said it’s time for the sheriff’s office to step in, before whoever is doing this strikes again.
RELATED: Animal control rescues dogs who become best friends