Sarasota man arrested in child sex abuse case

Three victims have come forward to Sarasota County Deputies. They reported 48-year-old Mark Wyman -- molested them.

Now deputies are working to locate other children who could also be victims.

Mark Wyman's neighbors can't believe the allegations against him.

"No one really had any clue that we had this person living across from us," explained Shawn Hyman. "We have known him for a few years now and he seemed like a really nice guy."

Sarasota deputies believe the computer software engineer has been molesting young girls for the last five years.

"One of the girls said she was 7 or 8 -- now she is 12 so up to 5 years," said Sgt. Kevin Pingel.

Arrest documents said the girls would spend time at his home and were family friends.

That news is deeply concerning to Wyman's neighbors.

"We probably have about 15 children living down this street especially with the elementary school right down the road from us so it is quite shocking," Hyman added.

Three victims, two who are 12 and another who is 6-years-old, told their parents about the abuse who then reported it to deputies.

The arrest report states Wyman would often touch the girls in his pool and home. It said one girl was molested at "Ellenton Ice" in Manatee County.

"It is one of the more disturbing type crimes," Sgt. Pingel told FOX 13.

The report also described graphic sex acts. It said Wyman convinced the girls it was okay by playing games with them and telling them the touching was -- "just part of the game."

"The kids are innocent victims. Didn't put themselves in a position to be victimized and it just happened to them," said Sgt. Pingel. "Through interviews we learned there was other kids that came to the house. If any parents did let their kids go over to that house. We would like to be aware of it.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Criminal Investigations at 941-861-4900.

Wyman is charged with one count of sexual capital battery and two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a victim under the age of 12.