Sarasota police stepping up traffic patrols in St. Armand's Circle
SARASOTA (FOX 13) - Crossing at a crosswalk on St.Armand's Circle in Sarasota can be a little heart stopping at times.
Amir Tahmassebi has spotted a few cars who refuse to stop.
"Both of us are always looking both ways," he said, "just trying to make sure everyone is safe."
With kids it's enough to make anyone angry.
"It's very frustrating. It's your life at stake here," he said.
The sound of horns beeping has become an all too familiar sound on the circle.
"We hear a lot of car horns going off because people aren't paying attention or they are just going," said Jill Eisenbeis.
Sarasota police tell FOX 13 there's a problem and it's not just the fault of drivers.
"We have pedestrians violating the car's right away and cars violating pedestrian's right away," said Sgt. Bruce King.
Sarasota Police are trying to crack down on people jay walking and cars that are blowing through yield and stop signs.
Sergeant Bruce King and other officers have been warning people about fines associated with the violations.
It costs $64.50 for a pedestrian violation and $166 and three points on your license for a driver violation.
"The main concern is somebody is going to get hurt. As a traffic homicide investigator, I'm the one that gets called out to all these pedestrian vehicle fatalities and I can tell you right now pedestrians usually don't hold up too well against a 2,000 pound car," said Sgt. King.
He said the rules are not hard to follow and just hopes people catch on before someone is seriously hurt.
"We just need the cars to pay attention to the rules of the road and also the pedestrians to cross at the crosswalks," he said.