School's slithery surprise: Snake found in 4th grade student's desk in Maryland

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LINTHICUM, Md. (AP) — A snake has been discovered inside the cubby of Maryland fourth-grader's desk.
School spokesman Bob Mosier tells news outlets the student found the 3-foot-long (1-meter) reptile Thursday morning coiled on several notebooks. She calmly said "teacher, there's a snake in my desk" and the classroom was evacuated.
Mosier says it was the third day of classes and the students seemed excited to encounter the creature. He says "they were not traumatized in any way."
Principal Angela Ricciuti says in a letter sent to parents officials believe it was a nonpoisonous black snake. A custodian and a parent volunteer took the snake and released it in a wooded area.
No one was injured.
Officials were unsure how the snake got inside. Mosier says they practice evacuations, but not ones for snakes.
Information from: The Capital,