Study ranks I-4 most dangerous Interstate in America

It's a highway many of us in Central Florida drive almost every day, but now Interstate 4 is being called the most dangerous interstate in America.

According to an analysis by Everquote of interstate fatalities between 2010 and 2015 the company, which used raw data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, I-4 was the deadliest.

“I-4 is so dangerous and even more dangerous right now with the big I-4 Ultimate project,” said Glenn Victor of the Florida Safety Council.

Victor says the analysis is no surprise to him and believes distracted driving could be a key factor combined with tourism.

“What's the first thing they do when they get off the plane? They rent a car that they’re not familiar with and they’re on their GPS, so they're looking at the phone and their GPS which of course is a distraction while their driving,” Victor said.

The study measured fatalities per mile along the 132-mile highway, and found that I-4 had 1.41 fatalities per mile in six years -- making it the most dangerous interstate in America..

“I've had a bunch of close calls just driving up and down this road, it's dangerous,” said Derek Meadows who frequents I-4.

“It's amazing how it's one of the most dangerous roads out there, and I  believe it I travel on it a at least twice a week," said  Jerry Milian, a truck driver.

Interstate 45 in Texas, and Interstate 17 in Arizona ranked the second and third most dangerous interstates.
