Teen arrested after accidentally shooting friend

SEMINOLE (FOX 13) - The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office arrested a 17-year-old after he accidentally shot his friend Saturday night.
The incident happened shortly after 11 p.m. at a home on 60th Terrace North in Seminole, deputies said.
According to investigators, Jacob McMann and three other teens were smoking marijuana when McMann started playing with a gun he had in his possession.
The weapon accidentally discharged, striking one of teenagers in the back. The victim was taken Bayfront
Medical Center with a serious but non-life threatening injury.
Deputies said that McMann initially claimed that his friend was shot during an attempted home invasion. Detectives learned that was not the case after interviewing the other teens.
McMann was charged with delinquent in possession of a firearm, delinquent in possession of ammunition, culpable negligence, resisting an officer without violence and violation of probation.