Vandals target Lakeland's Tenoroc High

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Sheriff's deputies in Polk County are searching for two suspects who broke into Tenoroc High School in Lakeland early Monday morning.

They released video of the two suspects that shows them after they bashed their way into the school and left a message, cursing someone out, and calling them a cracker.

"For what reason? I don't see the point of that," said freshman student Chandler Smith.

Smith heard about the break-in while hanging out with Tenoroc friends on Christmas break.

"It really makes me concerned for our safety and what could happen to us during school."

Deputies can't definitively say who the vulgar and racist message was aimed at, but they do say property was taken.

Though it's tough to identify anyone solely from the video, deputies believe it was two juveniles who may have been a bit too proud of what they've done.

"Anybody who may have heard something about this, who may have heard someone bragging about this, about bragging about being in the school during school break, or bragging about destroying school property, we want to hear from them," said Donna Wood, of the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

This is the second time in seven months that Tenoroc has been broken into.

In May, classes were delayed several hours after a break in led deputies to search the campus.

No arrests were made, and they're not sure if these two are related.

"In this particular case, it appears to be juveniles, it appears to be someone went in just to deface the property," said Wood.

Smith, a player on Tenoroc's JV basketball team, says it's a stupid thing to do, and wants the vandals caught.
"Nothing wrong with giving them up," said Smith. "Do the right thing. Hopefully they won't do it again."

Polk County deputies say there is a Crimestoppers reward.