Video: Baltimore teacher yells n-word at black students
BALTIMORE, Md. - Video posted on social media shows a Baltimore middle school teacher disciplining a black student and yelling racially-charged comments at other students, including the n-word. Posted on Facebook Thursday by civil rights activist Shaun King, the video shows the teacher grabbing one student by the sweatshirt and telling him to leave the class before screaming the n-word at them.
Parts of the video, shot by someone in the classroom, are inaudible, but the Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School teacher is seen disciplining a boy and telling him to get out of her class. She goes into the hallway with him for a moment, while yelling “Get out!” and then comes back in the room and asks the class, “Who else needs to freakin’ leave?” The teacher tells the class they’re getting zeros for “doing nothing,” and then continues yelling at them.
“You’re idiots! (inaudible)… get an education! Do you want to be a punk a** n***** who gets shot?”
The Baltimore City Public School District released the following statement about the incident, saying the teacher is no longer employed by the school:
"Yesterday a middle school science teacher at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School engaged in verbally abusive behavior and made racially charged comments directed at students," the statement from the school system read. "The teacher involved in the incident is no longer employed by City Schools."
"At Baltimore City Public Schools, we are committed to creating positive and equitable learning environments in school communities where all members are welcome, supported, and valued. No form of discriminatory behavior of any kind is or will be tolerated," the statement continued.
The video had been viewed over 2 million times on Facebook by Thursday afternoon.