WATCH: Huge hammerhead intercepts fisherman's catch
BOCA GRANDE, Fla. - A fisherman has a big fish tale to tell after an excursion off the coast of Boca Grande.
The tarpon run had begun and Ronnie Green, host of "A Fishing Story," was out on his boat when he landed a big one. But there was an even bigger fish lurking nearby, a 13-to-15 foot hammerhead shark, as he quickly found out.
A struggle ensued and it was all caught on camera.
The hammerhead latched onto the tarpon, and Green started fighting to keep his catch. "Get off my tarpon!" he is heard yelling on video.
"The shark came out of nowhere, Green said, "and tried to attack the tarpon that was on our line. It broke the line while trying to eat the compromised fish, but we were relieved to see the fish get away," he said.
Then, the hammerhead swam away, too, as the fishermen watched in awe.
Green says this has never happened to him before, but he's not surprised since there's always another predator looking for an opportunity.
"I did not land the fish but the tarpon will live to fight again," Green said.
"A Fishing Story" runs on Destination America Sportsman Channel and next year, it'll be on Discovery, according to Green.