Zoo Tampa welcomes southern white rhino as part of species survival plan
TAMPA, Fla. - A southern white rhino recently born at Zoo Tampa can often be seen alongside her mother.
The little girl named Kipenzi is the seventh white rhino born at the zoo as part of the species survival plan.

Madison Underwood, Zoo Tampa animal care professional, said they have been waiting for Kipenzi’s arrival for about 16 months. When the care team noticed her mother’s stomach get extremely round about a month ago they separated her from the rest of the rhinos and put her in her own stall.
Underwood explained, “On January 15, we got a radio call that we had a rhino in labor, so we all rushed down here to see the birth, which was super exciting. She is the fifth rhino calf here coming from rhino mother Kidogo and she is a spunky little girl.”

Newborn rhinos usually weigh about 150 pounds and can gain four pounds every day for the first year, eventually weighing as much as 5,000 pounds when grown.
Visitors have an opportunity to see and touch Zoo Tampa’s herd of rhinos, known as a crash, during a behind the scenes tour.

To schedule a time to see the rhinos click here.