Extraordinary Ordinary Update: Chef Jean-Christophe Setin
TAMPA (FOX 13) - Last year we featured an "Extraordinary Ordinary" about chef and father, Jean-Christophe Setin. Today, Walter Allen has an inspiring follow up.
Setin's son Sebastian suffers from Mitochondrial Disease, which has been linked to other diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Muscular Dystrophy. There is no known cure, and the illness is slowly robbing the teenager of his cognitive function, balance, and hearing.
Setin is the executive chef at Tampa Yacht and Country Club. After experiencing the hardship and witnessing the pain of his son's disease, Setin decided to use his skills to somehow help others living with Mitochondrial Diseases. So, he made a goal for himself: create a spice rub to sell, then use the proceeds to help fund research.
Now, that dream has been realized. Setin created "South of France" spice blend, and recently reached a deal with Publix Supermarkets to sell the blend in 50 stores.
With the new deal, Setin will be able to sell more product, and give more money to research efforts.
To find out which Publix locations will have "South of France" spice rub on their shelves, go to chefjeanchristophe.com.