Amidst pandemic, their best-of-Florida boxes bring the farm to you

Jillian Childs and Cara Lantz put together subscription boxes that will go out to customers across the state and beyond – all full of items made in Florida.

"We've had some people outside of Florida order. We've also had a lot of people within Florida send them to family members outside," said Lantz.

"A lot of soaps, a lot of skincare, a lot of spices. Fresh honey, candles," Childs listed.

The idea stemmed from the pandemic.

When markets shut down, Childs and Lantz developed a Facebook page and website called Florida Farm Finder to help customers connect with local farms for products. 

"They were explaining to us that they were having trouble getting to events because things were being canceled and they weren't able to push their small goods as much as they wanted to," said Childs. 


‘Florida Farm Finder’ connects consumers to fresh local products

Floridians can now go online and connect with farms locally -- and across the state -- for fresh products through a Facebook page and website called ‘Florida Farm Finder.’

So Childs and Lantz proposed the idea of the subscription boxes, and the farms jumped on board. 

"I like that it allows people to get more of an assortment of products than they would have traditionally had.  It allows the products to go further, so they can go to wherever that person is all across Florida, even further instead of just having to go to the market," said Lantz.

Customers can go online and select their boxes. 

"We have our local discovery box, our monthly box, and that is an assortment from one vendor so they really get to offer you a range of their product line," continued Lantz. "And then we have our secondary box, which is our quarterly crate, and that happens December, March, three months out from there, and that has an assortment of vendors from all over Florida."

It's helping put money back into the pockets of these businesses, and ultimately, Florida's economy.

"They're able to put their money directly into their business and help support their own families which allows them to go and support local for themselves as well," added Lantz.  


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