Hand-painted replica of 'Apotheosis of Hercules' on ceiling of Tarpon Springs home

The original "Apotheosis of Hercules" is in the French Palace of Versailles, but a new hand-painted replica is in a Tarpon Springs home. The painting depicts Hercules becoming a god. 

"After studying about it…I know there was nothing else I’d rather paint then this," said the artist and homeowner Julian Hartzog. 

Hartzog and partner Sandy Schwartz painstakingly poured hours into painting it by hand using photos as reference. 

"It was like pure happiness when it was finished," said Schwartz. 

Hartzog said it was painted in the studio on a canvas, and then the finished product was glued to the ceiling. 

Hartzog finished it a few weeks ago on his 85th birthday. The project took a total of about 10 months.

"This is the most perfect picture to paint that there is I think for this house," said Schwartz.