Health officials report 10 West Nile virus cases in Miami

MIAMI (AP) - As the number of COVID-19 cases are rising in Miami-Dade County, health officials are also warning residents of a mosquito-borne infection.
Late Thursday, health officials announced 10 more cases of West Nile virus have been detected in Miami-Dade County, bringing the total to 14 cases, the Miami Herald reported.
The local health department has placed Miami-Dade County under a mosquito-borne illness alert. Officials are asking residents to remove any items on their property where water can accumulate because they can develop into mosquito breeding grounds. This includes garbage cans, gutters, buckets, pools, coolers, birdbaths and pet water bowls.
The new cases were all contracted through local transmission, health officials said. The county reported the first two cases in May, followed by two more on June 11.
West Nile is the leading cause of mosquito-borne illness in the United States, health officials said. There are no vaccines or medications to treat it.
Anyone with mild symptoms typically recovers in about a week. Symptoms include fever, headaches, pain and fatigue, officials said. Fewer than 1 percent of people develop a serious or fatal illness. Health officials said many who are infected by the virus don’t feel sick.