Hypnotherapy now available over Skype
TAMPA (FOX 13) - For the past five years, attorney Gloria Godsey has been turning to hypnosis to help her through pain, stress, even the ringing in her ears.
"I feel awesome. I feel relaxed, calm. It's amazing. It's like someone takes your brain out of your head and gives it a nice rolling, like a dough, or a massage and puts it back," she tells us after waking up from a 10-minute session.
But now she's using hypnosis to achieve another goal, cutting sugar and processed carbs from her diet. Author and CEO of Easy Willpower, Rena Greenberg calls it the "Sugar Divorce" program.
"The cravings are in the subconscious because of the emotional connection: the comfort, the pleasure, they associate ice cream with love, and happiness so they're reaching for it automatically and so my goal with sugar divorce is to help them break that automatic habit," she explains.
While she's able to help locals like Gloria in her office, she's now hypnotizing people across the world and doing it all from her home computer.
"I really literally feel like I'm sitting with the person right there. The live hypnosis is so powerful even if it's live over Skype... Because it's that live energy and that live support," Rena says the transition to Skype has been so seamless, even Vince and Suzie Nowell, who live only two hours away, chose the online option.
"We did it all through Skype and the result was I lost thirty pounds and Suzie lost 15 pounds," Vince Nowell spoke with us over Skype in Rena's home.
With both children in college, they became empty nesters eight months ago.
"What we did the very first thing that we did we dropped the kids off at school came home the next day and cleared everything out of the house," Suzie remembers. "Crackers, bread, cookies, nachos which I love, anything that was just junk and after the hypnosis session on Skype when I went to the grocery store I would never replace it."
It's a lifestyle change that Vince's doctor recognized after his lab tests and blood pressure improved.
"The doctor was like, 'Man, your cholesterol is okay, we're not going to put you on medicine,'" Vince said.
The multiple sessions cost about $1,000, including unlimited email and phone access in between.
They believe they're already saving money if you include savings in medication, and food purchased at the grocery store, restaurants, and when eating a favorite meal, sushi rolls.
"It used to be we had three or four rolls each and the first time after Rena's hypnosis we split one roll and we were done...and we were full we didn't want anymore," Vince explains.
"I don't even do flavored yogurts anymore... I don't do the artificial sugars or sweeteners or anything like that," Gloria says.
Her divorce from sugar began after the first session and then seeing a display of chocolate covered almonds at the grocery store.
"I thought that is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of and I had been a choco-holic...and just like that, I gave it up," she said.
The Sugar Divorce program costs about $200, but the cost goes up to almost $1200.00 with four additional private sessions.
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