i9 Sports, the youth sports league, started in the Bay Area
There’s a chance that if you have a child, you may have heard – or even participated in – i9 Sports.
The seed for the youth sports league was planted in New York, but the idea happened in Tampa Bay, and has grown into franchises all across the country. Frank Fiume had built a successful softball league in New York, but decided to raise his family here.
Then, Fiume decided to get into the youth sports business -- and i9 Sports was born. So was a franchise opportunity.
"If people have skin in the game, they get to be invested in this business,” he explained, “and I got to take on people that I feel I can make them successful and experience financial freedom as well."

i9 Sports has worked very well. There are 150 franchise owners in thirty states. This includes flag football, soccer, T-ball, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball and cheerleading.
His philosophy: Make it fun. Make it safe Make it convenient.
“I wanted to fit sports in the family schedule,” Fiume said. “That’s why our practice and games are on the same day.”
Now, Fiume has become an author. His new book is titled, "Running With My Head Down: An Entrepreneur's Story of Passion Perseverance and Purpose."

It is his new mission to inspire and educate.
"The juice of the story is to live your life with no regrets,” he said. “You have to live your life with no regrets."
LINK: For more information, head over to i9 Sports' website.