Is the end in sight? Health experts optimistic about Florida’s COVID trend

The seven-day rolling average of positive COVID-19 cases in Florida is half of what the numbers were at the start of 2021, according to data from the Florida Department of Health.

On January 1, 2021, the weekly average was 12,500 and the trend peaked on January 7 at 19,911, according to Dr. Thomas Unnasch from the University of South Florida, who has been compiling data since the pandemic began to forecast COVID-19 trends in Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco Counties.

"There are about 6,000 cases a day, if the trend continues eight to ten weeks from now we can expect it to be about half that, maybe 3,000 cases a day," Dr. Unnasch said. "According to the models we are running at USF, that's the one thing that makes the biggest difference right now, much more than vaccinations, much more than anything else, just the social distancing and wearing the masks." 

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He says people need to remain vigilant by avoiding large crowds and continuing to wear masks. With that and more vaccines becoming available, Dr. Unnasch says the pandemic could be behind us by the Fourth of July.

If you feel sick:

The Florida Department of Health has opened a COVID-19 Call Center at 1-866-779-6121. Agents will answer questions around the clock. Questions may also be emailed to Email responses will be sent during call center hours.

LINK: Florida's COVID-19 website

CORONAVIRUS IN FLORIDA: What you need to know


Map of known COVID-19 cases:

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