Sarasota residents can receive a free tree through city's energy-saving program
SARASOTA (FOX 13) - Sarasota is offering free trees to its residents living within city limits.
City officials launched its Community Canopy program in an effort to help Sarasota expand its “urban canopy” while also helping reduce energy bills. Starting on October 1, residents can reserve one tree per household.
The trees will be available while supplies last, and residents are encouraged to register early. The three types of trees that will be available are: crape myrtle, dahoon holly, and red maple. The tree will be delivered to the resident’s home.
It’s the fourth year the city has offered the tree-giveaway program. Residents can use a calculator toll through the Community Canopy website the estimate their annual savings from planting a tree in the “most strategic location on their property,” which can also be determined through the online tool.
For additional information and to sign up, click over to the Community Canopy website.