Save food and save your money

It’s estimated that 70 billion pounds of food in the U.S. is still wasted every year. According to 95% of spoiled food or tossed leftovers end up in landfills- it’s like throwing money away. Here’s how to keep your produce fresher and make the most of it. 

Wrap the stems of your bunch of bananas in plastic wrap as soon as you buy them and only break them off one at a time to keep them from going brown too quickly.

Keep your hard avocados on the counter until they’re ripe. Then stick them in the fridge to keep them at the perfect level of ripeness for longer.

If you veggies and lettuce are always going bad before you get a chance to make that healthy salad, all you need to do is place a few paper towels in the crisper. In addition to keeping your fridge cleaner, they’ll also absorb excess moisture, which will keep your produce in great condition.

Pay attention to where you store your apples. They produce ethylene gas, which makes other fruit near it ripen faster, so store them in a plastic bag in the fridge. The exception is potatoes. Ethylene keeps them fresh and firm, so stick an apple in the potato sack to keep them from sprouting.

Watch the video above to see the remarkable way some people are saving food to help hungry people around the world.