Students cover middle school with inspirational quotes
SARASOTA, Fla. (FOX 13) - Painted on the walls of Sarasota Middle School, you might find a quote that will bring a smile to your face.
"I think it’s really amazing for them to see a sense of positivity," said language arts teacher Kim Farrell.
Inspirational quotes thought up by students and staff have replaced blank walls at the school. Each one professes common ground and acceptance.
"When we have new students coming in every year it has to make them feel a little more welcomed," said Farrell.
Farrell came up with the idea after the Parkland shooting.
"Our kids needed to feel safe, comfortable and happy when they walked onto campus," she said. "I really wanted to emphasize that on campus."
Art teacher Brooks Tracey worked with Farrel to start the project. They received help from the group Embracing Our Differences.
"The students have really loved being able to see the evolution from being sketched out, to putting the initial based coat down, to how it gets all polished when it's done. We get compliments and comments on them everyday from the students and faculty," said Tracey.
Right now six quotes cover the walls.
"If they are having a bad day when they are going around walking on campus and if they go around the corner and see that they can be the exclamation point in the world of periods. It’s one of those reminders that they will have a good day. This too will pass," he said.
There's room for many more. Giving future students hope as they look toward their futures at Sarasota Middle.
"We are very excited for these to last a long time for all of the students to come to Sarasota Middle School in the future," Farrell added.