Suncoast Center serving 22,000 a year as one of the largest community health centers in Pinellas County
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - It’s one of the largest community health centers in Pinellas County serving some 22,000 people a year. Suncoast Center is a not-for-profit organization that believes treatment works, and its goal is to meet people where they are to help them become the best version of themselves.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults in the US experience some form of mental illness. When your mental health is hurting, it impacts every other aspect of your life.
Samantha Maederer of Suncoast Center says that need grew during the pandemic, but something else also happened.
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"I think there was a time when people only sought services when they were in crisis, or they had identified mental health diagnosis, but at this time I think many more people are realizing that we all suffer from some sort of stress at some time and can benefit from support," Maederer said.
The center treats people of all ages offering behavioral health, substance abuse, sexual assault, child welfare. You name it, they can likely step in and help.

Suncoast Center started a zero suicide initiative back in 2017, partnering with major hospitals, behavioral centers and the courts.
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"We’ve served over 1,400 people in the care pathway of the zero suicide initiative between us and our community partners in order to screen for risks and provide people the services that they need," explained Maederer.
She went on to say, "as long as theres a need there, we will be here."
The Suncoast Centers Annual Success breakfast is coming up on February 8 at Feather Sound Country Club in Clearwater.