Teen author inspiring kids to become avid readers

Reading has always been a part of Davon Miller's life. Now he's a writer and is using his passion to inspire kids to become avid readers.

"My mom would read to me even before I was born inside her womb," said Davon. "So it is just natural that I come out just loving to read and write."

The 17-year-old author has written four books.

"I wrote these books because I was always so inspired, loving to read and write," he explained.

Davon got the inspiration to write the books while sitting in class waiting to go home from school. He was 11.

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"As I look up at the clock I'm like, 'Huh, that would be a pretty interesting storybook; someone writing a book about a clock.' I just went back, doodling and drawing, and the character just exploded from there."

He calls the lead character in the book Mr. Tickety-Toc Clock.

"It just sort of fit, actually, like, what else would you name a clock, honestly?" he said.

Mr. Tickety-Toc Clock goes on bedtime adventures to show children how much fun reading can be.

"The message is just like, just dream big. You can do anything that you want to do and also just spread the positivity and just encourage kids to read. That's the central message of Mr. Tickety-Toc Clock," he said.

Davon donates part of his proceeds to John Hopkins All Children's Hospital.​​​​​ For more information about the author and his books, follow Davon and Mr. Tickety Toc Clock on Facebook.