UT volleyball players walk to honor slain teammate
TAMPA, Fla. (FOX 13) - Former volleyball players are on a mission to honor the memory of a fallen teammate. Their passionate act of love is "What's Right With Tampa Bay."
Margeaux Sinibaldi and her friends are walking for a purpose. "We are dedicated to community outreach and providing just kids opportunities that they may have not had otherwise," said Sinibaldi.
They are all former University of Tampa volleyball players who started a foundation to honor the memory of one of their former teammates.
Melissa Vanderhall, her mom, and best friend were killed in August 2017. Her brother was arrested and charged with murdering them. "We're coming together to honor her memory and we are dedicated to make sure that their light still shines on," Sinibaldi said.
They call their grass-roots non-profit, "Live for 24 Foundation."
Melissa wore 24 on her volleyball jersey. "She lived her life as an example of how you should, thought of others before she did herself," Tarah Savino, a former teammate said.
The group's goal is to help youth and provide scholarships for kids going to college. The organization has a 5K race next month to raise money to help teens.
For more information, head to: www.livefor24.org.