Warrior Games athlete looking to help others through her story
TAMPA, Fla. (FOX 13) - Injured military athletes from all over the U.S. have come to Tampa to participate in the Warrior Games. One solider is using the event to show other veterans that they can heal through hard work and determination.
“This is my first Warrior Games. I have only been part of Wounded Warriors for three years,” said Navy Officer Ruth Freeman.
Freeman is proud to be representing the Navy in the Warrior Games. She suffers from papillary thyroid cancer.
“During the treatment, during the surgery, they accidently cut my spinal accessory nerve, so now I have my shoulder injuries and my traps are 100% paralyzed,” she explained.
Freeman has always been active, which led to the decision to join the Navy’s Wounded Warrior volleyball team.
“You don’t have to hide your illness, your injury, when you are around the people because everybody looks at you like you are normal. They don’t look at you like, ‘Oh you got a scar,’” Freeman continued.
She also has a lesson for her band of brothers. “I’m proving to myself that I can be active again. I can show other people that have similar injuries or illnesses that they can still do it and be active and compete."
LINK: For more schedules and more information on the Warrior Games visit: https://dodwarriorgames.com/