Apple a Day: 13-year-old fighting cancer surprised with new iPad

Between the physical energy it takes their little bodies to get better, and the mental strength it takes to stay positive during their fight- sometimes children with cancer just need an escape.

And that’s exactly what the Apple a Day program aims to do.

Former Tampa Bay area radio personality Jayde Donovan started the program years ago- surprising children with Apple products to give them something to turn to when the going gets tough.

And though she’s moved to New York- and started a new chapter up there- the initiative remains strong in the south!

FOX 13’s own Charley Belcher is now the one stopping by the hospital with a big surprise that makes all the difference in the young patients’ lives.

Most recently he surprised Alexis, a 13-year-old who was diagnosed last Thanksgiving with ovarian dysgerminoma.

She had to have surgery to remove a tumor, and has already been through four rounds of chemotherapy.

Alexis hasn't been able to be in school, so she's enrolled in Florida Virtual School, so not only will her new iPad Air give her a distraction when the going gets tough, but it will also help her with her studies.

She says she will also use it to help keep in better touch with her friends, whom she misses dearly.

Apple a Day has a fundraiser planned for later this month--for more information on that- or to donate to the cause- visit their website: .