Bay of Pigs veterans will get vaccine in comfort of their home in South Florida, governor says

In an announcement from South Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis said Bay of Pigs veterans and their spouses will be receiving the vaccine from inside their home.

The governor said it is an expansion of the state’s program to vaccinate homebound seniors. Health care workers will visit Bay of Pigs veterans in their homes in South Florida to administer the vaccine.

"We are inspired by folks who have been willing to stand up and fight for freedom. We understand they were on the right side of history," DeSantis explained.

More than 1,100 Bay of Pigs fighters were held for 20 months following the disastrous April 1961 invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro's government. They were eventually released under an agreement in which Cuba would receive more than $50 million worth of food and medical supplies.

During the press conference, three of those veterans received their first dose of the vaccine. They were captured by Fidel Castro’s forces and were POWs for 20 months before their release was finally negotiated.

DeSantis said the stat will receive an additional 330,000 doses next week. 

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