Dog's instincts save family from house fire
PHILADELPHIA, PA - While the family picks up the pieces from the disaster, Jack is temporarily being cared for by Red Paw Emergency Relief, the Red Cross for animals.
Jennifer Leary, founder of Red Paw Emergency Relief told that when her team arrived at the scene, the family and Jack were already outside. "When we walked up, the first thing they said to us was, 'He saved our lives! He saved our lives! He's our hero,' " she said.
It's not the first time she's seen humans crediting their pets. "You'd be surprised how often we hear that," Leary said. "Not just dogs — cats do it too."
Smoke detectors save lives too, but they’re not foolproof. Malfunctions can occur, and 24 percent of smoke alarm failures are due to dead batteries according to the National Fire Protection Agency.
Fortunately, the family had their dog’s love and natural instincts as back up. Watch the video to see how Jack saved the family.