McDonald's Japan has a 48-piece McNugget meal that's blowing people's minds

A person in the U.S. can order at most a 40-piece Chicken McNugget meal. (McDonald's Japan)
As the fast food chicken war is heating up in the U.S., McNugget lovers in Japan are now able to get a whole bucket's worth in support their favorite idol singer.
McDonald’s Japan is releasing a 48-piece bucket of Chicken McNuggets that features idols from the J-Pop (aka Japanese pop) group NGT48-- an all-girl music group consisting of 25 members that is sometimes referred to as “Nugget 48”.
Chicken McNugget meals in Japan typically max out at a 15-piece set, according to the blog Kotaku points out, so it's a big deal there. In the U.S., a person can order at most a 40-piece Chicken McNugget meal, so it will be interesting to see how the 48-piece offering sells in Japan, which is seen as a test market for menu items before they come to the U.S.
The tubs are decorated with images of the singers and each bucket comes with a commemorative card. At approximately $16 and 2,000 calories per bucket, Japanese fans would have to eat at least 1,200 nuggets to collect all 25 cards.