New questions arise about TPD officer accuser

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In August of 2016, the public learned about the sexual battery accusations against Tampa police officer Adam York.

"This investigation was a shock and disappointment to all of us at TPD," said Tampa Police Chief Eric Ward said when the allegations surfaced.

But one year after it all began, there are more and more questions about York's accuser. In court Tuesday, the defense asked for records related to her account on the dating app Tinder.

They want to know who she was communicating with and what was said.

Hillsborough Assistant State Prosecutor Rita Peters told the judge the records could be available soon.

"We're just waiting for Tinder to give us those records," said Peters.

But the documents already out show her demeanor with one of the detectives during the investigation. 

"He's being an a**hole about it," yelled the accuser.

And later, she allegedly boasted about flirting her way out of a ticket before.

"I would flash you if you asked me to flash you... like flashing is no big deal to me," said the accuser.

She told detectives she was stopped by officer York for speeding as she drove from a one date she had met on Tinder, to another date. She admits she was driving drunk and even says she started flirting with the officer to get out of going to jail.

During a police interview, officer York was asked about her behavior that day.

"She was flirtatious, but nothing to that extent," said York.

A detective asked if she made any comments that would suggest she could get out of the ticket in exchange for something. York said no.

The accuser claims the flirting turned physical. But York denies all of the allegations.