Personalized birthday's for families navigating the challenges of pediatric cancer

Two local organizations teamed up three years ago to bring smiles to families fighting a tough battle. 

Since then, the 1Voice Foundation and Celebrate Birthdays have been hosting personalized birthday parties.

For families battling pediatric cancer, the journey is often filled with medical appointments, treatments and uncertainty.

But thanks to the 1Voice Foundation and Celebrate Birthdays, these families are reminded that every milestone matters, including birthdays.

Personalized birthday's for families navigating the challenges of pediatric cancer.

What they're saying:

"For many of them, they're in the hospital on their birthday," said Maryann Massolio, Executive Director at the 1Voice Foundation. "And for some of them, it might be their last birthday. So we want to make sure that it's the best birthday ever." 

Celebrate Birthdays is a nonprofit focused on making sure every child feels special on their big day with a party vibe, decorations, a cake and presents.

"It's bringing fun, it's bringing cheer. And most importantly, it's letting these children know that they're loved, they're important, they matter," said Belinda Leto, Founder of Celebrate Birthdays.

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The celebrations consist of everything from superheroes to construction-themed parties.

"It's a very warm, embracing group at a time when you're not even sure," said Massolio. "You know, I always say friends become strangers and strangers become friends."

Personalized birthday's for families navigating the challenges of pediatric cancer.

For many families, these celebrations offer a rare moment of normalcy and joy.

"I feel at the very core that it's important to celebrate the day you came into this world to bring them love and kindness," said Leto. "It's really a simple act, but I feel like it means so much for them emotionally."

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Since teaming up, they've brought joy to dozens of families, with plans to expand their efforts in the coming months.

"To be able to kind of just be a kid and not have to worry about, you know, getting a needle stick, or tonight I've got chemo or, you know, my hair is falling out," said Leto. "They're just able to be a child here and to embrace that fun and innocence that every child has."

For families navigating the challenges of pediatric cancer, these birthday parties are more than celebrations, they’re a beacon of hope.

The Source: Information for this story was gathered by FOX 13's Bryan Gray and Mark Wilson.



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