Remote Area Medical Clinic offers free healthcare services in Bradenton
BRADENTON, Fla. - The Remote Area Medical Clinic, also known as RAM, is back in Bradenton offering healthcare services to as many patients as they can.
" We're welcoming in patients today for dental, medical, and vision services," said Senior Clinic Coordinator Poppy Green, "No questions asked. They don't have to bring an ID, proof of residency or proof of income. They just have to come in and tell us where it hurts."
For the clinic's fifth year, organizers expect to service over 1,000 patients.
In the prior four years, the clinic has performed nearly $1.6 million in free healthcare services for over 4,000 patients, and the turnout shows no signs of slowing down.
Vision appointments were filled by 7 am, where patients could get a full exam or walk out with a new pair of glasses.
The Remote Area Medical Clinic will open on Sunday at 6 a.m. at Manatee Technical College, but the parking lot will open to the public several hours before the clinic opens.
Organizers suggest that prospective patients arrive as early as possible.