Specialized therapy for Bay Area frontline workers
TAMPA, Fla. - The need for mental health resources is at an all-time high, especially for workers on the frontlines who've been dealing with the pandemic, first-hand so to help a group of local clinicians are now been trained to offer a relatively new form of therapy to their clients in need known as Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART).
"It is almost overwhelming like daily I have a waiting list in my office were trying to hire enough people to meet the need," Licensed Mental Health Counselor Ivyia Adams said.
As Adams explains, the need for mental health services is greater than ever. It's why she and other local clinicians have spent the last three days learning ART to be able to offer it to their clients.
"We teach the brain how to change the way it views things so then they can embrace life," Clinical ART Specialist Kathy Long said.

According to the non-profit ART International, which is headquartered in Tampa, the therapy is designed to be fast-paced and can help treat PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It uses hand-eye movements to reprogram the brain to better understand traumatic memories.
"It allows them to pull out the trauma and understand the body sensations that are associated with that trauma and as you relieve the body sensations now the person can remember the event without all the pain that goes with it," Adams said.
It's a form of relief Adams hopes to bring to people in need, especially the dozens of frontline workers who've reached out to her for help.