Arrival of COVID vaccines for kids uncertain at Florida retailers

Children age six months to five years old are now approved to receive COVID-19 vaccines, but FOX 13 News checked with local Walgreens, CVS, and Publix stores Monday. None of the Tampa Bay area retailers had the vaccines available. We also checked with Tampa General and Johns Hopkins All Children’s hospitals. No children’s vaccines had been received. 

Florida surgeon general disagrees with FDA on COVID vaccines for kids under 5; state does not pre-order doses

Parents are in the home stretch with COVID-19 vaccines for babies and their youngest children after Wednesday’s FDA advisory panel meeting. But once those vaccines are approved, parents in Florida who want their kids to get inoculated may face a longer wait. That's because Florida's surgeon general Dr. Joseph Ladapo says he does not support giving the COVID vaccine to babies and children under the age of 5 – so Florida is the only state that did not pre-order any doses.