When following the cauliflower trend, be aware of added ingredients, nutritionist says
Nutritionist: Cauliflower is beneficial if you pay attention to added ingredients
Cauliflower is a trendy vegetable that continues to be incorporated in the culinary scene, but is is really as beneficial as it seems? Nutritionists say it is low in calories and high in nutrients that Americans need. If you're searching for a healthy snack, just be aware of added ingredients that can cancel out the 'healthy' part.
TAMPA, Fla. - Cauliflower seems to be the current king of veggies. Nowadays, restaurant and grocery stores are churning out new cauliflower creations all the time.
Gourmet Pizza Company in South Tampa has been serving up pies for over 20 years and now cauliflower-crust pizza makes up 25 percent of all their orders. Owner Kristina Lima said she never saw the cauli-craze coming.
"I'm surprised how well it's doing. It's huge," she said.
Registered dietitian Sarah Krieger said dhse is a huge fan of incorporating cauliflower into any diet.
"It's so exciting that a vegetable that has been around for centuries is all of a sudden popular," she said.
She explained the superfood has plenty of upsides. Cauliflower is very low in calories and very high in nutrients that most Americans are lacking: folate, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.
Supermarkets have loaded up on options to get your cauliflower fix, but, Krieger said, beware of added ingredients that may ruin your attempt at a healthy snack.
"I really encourage families to try the plain products and then you can control how much fat and salt you add to it," she said.