Chicago aquarium welcomes penguin chick to colony

The Shedd Aquarium recently introduced a Magellanic penguin chick to its colony.

It was just about a month old before the Chicago-based aquarium announced its arrival Tuesday. It initially weighed 88 grams and is now already weighing over 1,000 grams. The animal care team says it's a positive sign of its growth. 

The chick is the newest addition to the penguin color, joining three other recently-hatched chicks. The new chick arrived on Saturday, May 29, following hatchlings on Thursday, April 29, Wednesday, May 5, and Wednesday, May 12.

According to the aquarium, the chick joins three others hatched this nesting season, with the four arrivals "particularly significant" due to the threatened status of Magellanic penguins. Shedd's colony is part of a conservation effort organized by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Magellanic penguins live along the southern coast of South America. 

Storyful contributed to this report

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