Former Toys 'R' Us employees help continue shopping-spree tradition for kids with cancer

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Dozens of kids battling cancer got to go on a major shopping spree on Monday as several former 'Toys R Us' employees came together to recreate a magical toy store experience. 

One by one a bus load of special children made their way into the Magical Toy Store. There were thousands of toys on shelves for the taking.  Children were squealing and jumping for joy. The room filled with color, music, dancing and fun. Each child filled carts with games, electronics and gifts for others. 

Since 1994, the Ohr Meir Foundation has provided an all expense paid adventure to Orlando for children battling cancer. However, Now that 'Toys R Us' is out of business, the toy store shopping spree almost didn’t happen. But with just a day’s notice, a bunch of former employees came together to be part of the event and help the children bag their toy selections. 

Toy companies donated everything in the room. Sarah Parisver, a 13-year-old cancer survivor, described the event as "toy heaven!"

The children attending were ages four to 19 and all were in different stages of their cancer fight.  For example, 19-year-old Cammy Marks just came out of surgery last week.  “It makes me feel so special and included,” Marks said.  

“What we’re doing here is giving them energy and infusing them with light and energy to go and take on whatever it is that’s coming ahead,” said Steven Friedman, a founder of the Ohr Meir Foundation. 

All of this is done to help bring more joy to the journey.