Hillsborough County moves to place age, location restrictions on vaping

In a unanimous vote Wednesday, Hillsborough County Commissioners voted to ban anyone under the age of 21 from buying, using, or possessing vaping products.

"The number-one priority today is to help our kids," said Commissioner Sandra Murman. "We know we're going to save lives."

But the measure -- which bans businesses from selling vaping products to those under 21 -- goes even further.

It also restricts where vaping can occur by banning it indoors -- and in the same places where smoking is banned, like playgrounds.

Breaking the law could cost you anywhere from $25 to $100.

Representatives from the American Heart Association, who attended the meeting, say it’s a good start, but wanted the age limit to include all tobacco products .

"We're disappointed that they wouldn't consider including all tobacco products, but we do look forward to continuing the conversation with them," said Amanda Palumbo, Tampa Bay's executive director of AHA. "It sounds like the commission is open to making an amendment to that in the future."

The commission, however, is bound by state law, which regulates cigarettes.

Another frustration is a lingering concern that an age limit on vaping could turn people to smoking -- creating an even bigger problem.

"We don't want unintended consequences of not having people be able to buy the vaping, but all of a sudden they buy cigarettes, and then they're going to be even more addicted to nicotine after that," said the AHA's David Francis.

The law will likely go into effect in a few weeks. First it must be certified by the state in Tallahassee.